Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Dentist Accreditation System Rules

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: The Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy(hereinafter referred to as “the Society”) will implement a dentist accreditation system based on Chapter 2, Article 4 (10) of the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 2: Under the accreditation and qualification system, a dentist who has met the prescribed conditions established by the Society will be regarded as having superior knowledge and abilities in clinical nutrition that utilizes parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition, and will be recognized as a Society-accredited dentist. The period of accreditation will be five (5) years. Conditions for accreditation renewal will be set out separately.

Chapter 2: Committee

Article 3: An Accreditation and Qualification System Committee installed by the Society (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) will examine how to implement and improve the dentist accreditation system and also examine programs to nurture outstanding dentists who can contribute to progress in clinical nutrition.

Article 4: The Committee will perform duties necessary for dentist accreditation and examine programs for introducing more advanced nutrition therapy.

Chapter 3: Dentist Accreditation Examination

Article 5: For dentist accreditation, a dentist accreditation examination will be given once a year. Specific details about the dentist accreditation examination will be set out separately.

Chapter 4: Dentist Accreditation

Article 6: Conditions and Qualifications of Persons Applying to Become an Accredited Dentist

Accredited Dentist Qualifications

Dentists who are members of the Society can apply to become an accredited dentist if they meet all of the following qualifications:

1. They obtained their Japanese dentist’s license at least five (5) years ago and have been a member for at least three (3) years.

2. They have attended at least four (4) total nutritional therapy (TNT) seminars, nutrition support team (NST) educational seminars for physicians, required seminars for the NST therapist examination, or life long learning (LLL) live courses hosted or co-hosted by the Society.

3. They have been the lead presenter at a Society academic meeting or branch academic meeting.
In addition, they have had at least two (2) experiences as presenter (whether lead or joint presenter), moderator, facilitator, or commentator at a society meeting or workshop on clinical nutrition deemed appropriate by the Committee. If, however, a dentist has instructor experience in Society-hosted or co-hosted total nutrition therapy (TNT), NST physician educational seminars, JCNT educational seminars, LLL live courses, required seminars for NST therapist examination, required seminars for NST therapist renewal, or skill improvement seminars (which ended in 2018), he/she will be deemed to have met the qualifications above.

4. They have participated in at least two (2) Society academic meetings.

5. After meeting the conditions in 1 to 4 above, they have passed a test for accreditation.
Note: Society meetings and workshops deemed appropriate by the Committee refer to national and regional academic meetings similar in size to the Society’s academic meetings and branch academic meetings, but will not include accredited regional meetings (prefectural) mentioned in the Therapist Accreditation Rules.

Article 7: Dentist Accreditation Examination

Persons apply for the dentist accreditation examination of certified physicians must complete the required information from the prescribed section and submit it to the Accreditation and Qualification System Committee along with supporting documents.

1. Documents to submit with dentist accreditation examination application
-Resume from highest educational level to present – original
-Dentist’s license – 1 photocopy
-Certificates of completion for TNT (*1), NST educational seminars for physicians (*2), and required seminars for NST therapist examination, or participation certificates for at least four (4) LLL live courses (photocopies)
(*1 and *2: Only if taken in the past. TNT: participation certificate acceptable)
-For society meeting presentations, moderating, etc.: programs or abstracts (photocopies) that can provide proof
-Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy academic meeting participation certificates: photocopies (formerly: Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition academic meeting participation certificates)
Submit of the above as examination application documents via Member’s My page.

Payment of a 10,000 yen examination fee will be required in order to take the examination.

Article 8: A person who fails the examination will be regarded as having passed the document review and will be exempt from document reviews for five (5) years starting from the following fiscal year. When the aforementioned period of validity expires, the person will again be regarded as a new candidate for examination and subject to document review.

Article 9: Application for Dentist Accreditation

Dentists who have passed the accreditation examination and wish to be accredited must submit the notification of passing along with the specified accreditation application that was sent with the notification. After confirming that the accreditation fee has been paid, the Committee will issue a certificate of accreditation.
The dentist accreditation fee will be 20,000 yen.

Article 10: The dentist accreditation process will take place once a year.

Chapter 5: Certificates of Accreditation for Dentists

Article 11: Certificates of accreditation for Society-accredited dentists will be valid for five (5) years from the date of issue. If, however, a dentist loses his/her qualification according to the provisions of Chapter 6, the period of validity will end as of the date of disqualification.

Article 12: The Committee chairperson must report the names of those recognized as accredited dentists to the Board of Directors and at General Meetings of Employees.

Chapter 6: Loss of Qualification as Accredited Dentist

Article 13: The Committee will discuss and then cancel the accreditation of a dentist for the following reasons:

1. The individual has declined the qualification as accredited dentist for justifiable reasons.
2. The qualification as accredited dentist has been revoked.
3. The dentist’s Japanese license has been lost, forfeited, or taken away.
4. The qualification as accredited dentist has not been renewed.

Article 14: If an accredited dentist has engaged in an inappropriate act, the Committee and Board of Directors will discuss and may revoke the accreditation of the dentist.

Chapter 7: Renewal of Dentist Accreditation

Article 15: Dentists who are members of the Society and have been accredited for five (5) years can apply for renewal of their dentist accreditation if they meet all of the requirements in items 1 to 4 below.

1. They have been a member of the Society without interruption, and have paid their membership fee at the time of application.
2. They have been a presenter (lead or joint presenter) at a Society academic meeting or branch academic meeting. In addition, they have had at least two (2) experiences as presenter (whether lead or joint presenter), moderator, facilitator, or commentator at a society meeting or workshop on clinical nutrition deemed appropriate by the Committee. If, however, a dentist has instructor experience in Society-hosted or co-hosted total nutritional therapy (TNT), NST physician educational seminars, JCNT educational seminars, JSPEN nutrition master courses, LLL live courses, required seminars for NST therapist examination, required seminars for NST therapist renewal, skill improvement seminars (which ended in 2018), or NST basic courses, he/she will be deemed to have met the qualifications above.
3. They have participated in at least three (3) Society academic meetings. One of these can be either a training program designated at a Society academic meeting*1), participation in an NST forum, or JSPEN nutrition master course.
4. Periods of voluntarily suspension as specified in Article 4 of the Bylaws for the Articles of Incorporation will not be included in the period of accreditation. Units acquired and qualification renewal applications will not be approved during a voluntarily suspension of membership. The corresponding renewal time will be extended by an amount equivalent to the period of voluntarily suspension.

Note: Society meetings and workshops deemed appropriate by the Committee refer to national and regional academic meetings similar in size to the Society’s academic meetings and branch academic meetings, but will not include accredited regional meetings (prefectural) mentioned in the Therapist Accreditation Rules.

*1) Designated training programs
(1) Designated training programs other than NST forums refer to sessions for renewing the accreditations of supervisory physicians, accredited physicians, and accredited dentists.
(2) The designation of designated training programs will be checked each year by the chairpersons of academic meetings and Committee on Practical Support of Academic Meetings, Accreditation and Qualification System Committee, and Education Committee, and will, in principle, be determined with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 8: Certificates of Accreditation for Dentists (Renewal)

Article 16: For accredited dentists who wish to have their accreditation renewed, there will be a review of the specified application documents necessary for renewal that have been submitted by the individual. After that, payment of the accreditation renewal fee will be confirmed and a certificate of accreditation will be issued. The dentist accreditation renewal fee will be 10,000 yen.

Starting in 2021, the dentist accreditation renewal application process will take place once a year.
A dentist who turns 66 years old during his or her period of accreditation will receive lifetime accreditation.

Applications must be submitted through the appropriate section.

-Proof of dentist accreditation: copy of certificate of accreditation
-For society meeting presentations, moderating, etc.: programs or abstracts (photocopies) that can prove participation
-Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy academic meeting participation certificates: (photocopies) (formerly: Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism academic meeting participation certificates)
Submit each of the above.

Chapter 9: Suspension of Qualification as Accredited Dentist

Article 17: If sickness or other condition prevents renewal, the person’s accreditation/qualification will be suspended.

Article 18: Qualifications may be suspended for up to two (2) years in principle, and activities to qualify for renewal performed during that time will be valid. The period of accreditation will be five (5) years, including any periods of suspension.

Article 19: If an upcoming renewal is desired, the conditions for renewal must be met during the period, excluding periods of suspension mentioned in the preceding article.

Article 20: If renewal is not applied for during a period of suspension, accreditations/qualifications will be forfeited when the period of suspension ends.

Chapter 10: Changes to Rules, Establishment of Bylaws

Article 21: These Rules can be changed following discussion and approval by the Committee and Board of Directors, and approved by vote of General Meeting of Employees. Bylaws will also be established according to the same procedures.

Supplementary Provisions:

1. Provisional measures: Until these Accreditation Rules come into effect, dentists will be provisionally accredited by the Committee pursuant to the conditions established in these Accreditation Rules.
2. Provisional accreditation methods are set out separately.
3. Dentist accreditation examinations have been conducted since 2017, and the accreditation application process started in 2016.
4. These Accreditation Rules came into effect on February 22, 2017.
5. These Accreditation Rules were revised on February 13, 2019, and came into effect on January 1, 2020.
6. Along with the Society’s name change on January 1, 2020, portions of these Accreditation Rules containing the term “Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition” were changed to “Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism”.
7. All certificates of accreditation and certificates of completion issued after the February 2020 Ordinary General Meeting of Employees will be issued under the Society’s new name. However, certificates of accreditation and certificates of completion issued in the past, whether before or after the name change, will be regarded as valid and belonging to the Society, and will not require special procedures to be taken for them.
8. These Accreditation Rules came into effect on February 26, 2020.
9. These Accreditation Rules came into effect on February 28, 2021.
10. These Accreditation Rules were revised on February 13, 2022.
11. These Accreditation Rules were revised on February 12, 2023.
12. Along with the Society’s name change on April 1, 2024, portions of these Rules containing the term “Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism ” were changed to “Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy”. Certificates of accreditation and certificates of completion issued in the past, whether before or after the name change, will be regarded as valid and belonging to the Society, and will not require special procedures to be taken for them.

Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Provisional Dentist Accreditation Rules

The Provisional Dentist Accreditation Rules have been discontinued as the provisional period ended.

Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Bylaws for the Dentist Accreditation System Rules

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: With the implementation of the Dentist Accreditation System Rules for the Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy, matters that are not covered by the Rules will comply with the provisions of these Bylaws.

Chapter 2: Dentist Accreditation Examination Working Group

Article 2: The Dentist Accreditation Examination Working Group (hereinafter referred to as “Examination WG”) will consist of a chairperson appointed as specified in Chapter 6, Article 35, Paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation, and members recommended by the Board of Directors (Society delegates). Members will serve for a term of one (1) year and be eligible for reappointment.

Article 3: The Examination WG will prepare the questions used in the dentist accreditation examination.

Article 4: The Accreditation and Qualification System Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) and Examination WG will issue public notices about accreditation examinations in the Society journal and Society website (https://www.jspen.or.jp).

Article 5: The Committee will exercise general control over all activities involving dentist accreditation, and will report to the Board of Directors.

Chapter 3: Dentist Accreditation Examination and Dentist Accreditation

Article 6: Persons applying for the dentist accreditation examination should fill in the required information, and submit the documents to the Committee.

Article 7: The dentist accreditation examination will be given once a year.

Article 8: The Committee chairperson will report the names of those recognized as accredited dentists to the Board of Directors and General Meeting of Employees, and when approved, will publish the names in the Society journal and Society website (https://www.jspen.or.jp).

Article 9: Accreditation for Society-accredited dentists will be valid to March 31, five (5) years from the date of issue. If, however, a dentist loses his/her qualification according to the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Dentist Accreditation System Rules, the period of validity will end as of the date of disqualification.

Article 10: If an accredited dentist has engaged in an inappropriate act, the accreditation/qualification of the dentist may be revoked by votes of both the Committee and Board of Directors.

Chapter 4: Restoration of/Reapplication for Dentist Accreditation

Article 11: If Article 20 (System Rules) applies due to unavoidable circumstances, the Accreditation and Qualification System Committee will examine how to handle the situation.

Article 12: An accredited dentist whose qualifications have been lost as specified in Article 12, Paragraph 4 (System Rules), or Article 20 (System Rules) may have the qualifications restored under the conditions described in 1 to 3 below. A dentist should apply for accreditation restoration during the regular accreditation renewal application period.

1. The person has continuously maintained his/her membership with the Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy, and has paid his/her membership fee.
2. The person has submitted a request for restoration of dentist accreditation in the prescribed form.
3. The person has met the conditions for renewing dentist accreditation within the past five (5) years, dating from the year in which restoration of accreditation was requested.

Article 13: After restoration, the period of accreditation will begin anew. Also, one’s accreditation history will include earlier periods of accreditation, excluding periods when accreditation was suspended or lost.

Chapter 5: Changes to Bylaws

Article 14: These Bylaws may be amended by resolutions of both the Committee and Board of Directors.

Supplementary Provisions:

1. These Bylaws came into effect on February 12, 2023.
2. Along with the Society’s name change on April 1, 2024, portions of these Rules containing the term ” Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism ” were changed to “Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy”.