Our Society decided to partner with the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, an international journal published by Karger*, a medical publishing company with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. The publication will be recognized as the official English-language journal.

With indexing completed for its main bibliographic services, the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism has already been given an impact factor of 3.9 (latest IF).
This high-quality English-language journal is recognized throughout the world as a forum for publishing research papers on nutritional science.

  1. Permission to access online journal
    Society members can access the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism free of charge from the members page, and can read journal content, including backfiles, from the past 5 years. [Access precautions]
  2. Appointment of Editorial Board members
    Five persons were appointed as Editorial Board members of the journal. We look forward to our members actively submitting papers.
    – Dr. KIMURA Wataru (Yamagata University)
    – Dr. SUZUKI Hiroshi (International University of Health and Welfare Hospital)
    – Dr. SASAKI Masaya (Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital)
    – Dr. NABEYA Yoshihiro (Chiba Cancer Center)
    – Dr. HIKI Naoki (Kitasato University)
  3. Outlook for JSPEN English-language journal
    Although the Society has been considering publishing its own journal articles in English, we are also considering a paid option that would allow members to submit papers in Japanese rather than English, when the latter can be a high hurdle. That option would provide English-language submission support through a translation company contracted by Karger Publishers.
    Also, for young physicians, registered dietitians, registered nurses, pharmacists, clinical laboratory technicians, speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dental hygienists, and other healthcare professionals who will lead the next generation, we are planning workshops on topics such as “How to write a paper in English for submission to an international journal” and “How to write an abstract or poster in English for an international academic society or conference”.
    We will provide further information later.

*About Karger Publishers

  1. Founded in 1890. Each year Karger publishes 100 pamphlets, electronic subscription journals, and Open Access (OA) journals, and 50 publication series and monographs.
  2. The international journal Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism was first published in 1959 and is indexed with all premier bibliographic services such as Medline and PubMed. According to the 2014 Journal Citation Reports®, the impact factor (IF) was 2.6.
  3. The Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism is currently the official journal of the following academic societies:
    – International Union of Nutritional Science (IUNS)
    – Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS)
    – European Nutraceutical Association (ENA)
    – German Society of Nutrition (DGE)

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism Submission Regulations

The submission guidelines have been revised.

For information about submitting papers

E-mail: ANM@med.uni-muenchen.de

Professor Berthold Koletzko, Dr med Dr med habil (MD PhD)
Div. Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine
Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Lindwurmstr. 4
D-80337 Munich (Germany)
Tel.+49 (0)89 5160 2826 | Fax.+49 (0)89 5160 7742