Content of Submission

Papers submitted for publication in JSPEN, the official journal of the Society, will be limited to those that are full of original ideas that will contribute to progress in nutrition, and that will not appear in other journals. To the submitted paper, attach a statement, signed by all of the authors, stating that 1) the paper is not a duplicate or simultaneous submission/publication, and that 2) the content in the conflict of interest statement is correct. Also, attach 3) a paper submission checklist and 4) author contributions statement. Download and fill out the pledge, conflict of interest (COI) self-report, paper submission checklist, and author contributions statement from these Submission Regulations or the online submission information page on the website of the Japanese Society for Parenteral and Nutrition Therapy (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”). Then when uploading your paper (manuscript) to the online submission review system, you are required to also submit these documents.
Copyrights to published papers will be deemed to have transferred to the Society on the publication approval date, but responsibility for the content of the papers will remain with the authors. Permission to reprint will be determined by the President after deliberation by the Editorial Board.

Eligibility to Submit

Authors, including coauthors, will in principle be limited to members of the Society. Furthermore, the number of authors will not exceed ten (10).

Paper Review

Submitted papers will be accepted or rejected upon review and decision of the Editorial Board, and the acceptance date will be indicated. A peer review system will be used for the review. The results of the review will also be reported to the supervisor (if one exists among the authors).

Paper Format

1. Papers will be submitted in Japanese, and the type will be indicated as “original paper”, “review article”, “commissioned paper (special issue)”, “clinical experience paper”, “case report”, “institution update”, “research report”, “academic conference attended report”, or “other”. These submissions must be made through the online submission system.

2. Paper submission restrictions are shown below.

Type of PaperMax. Characters in Main TextJapanese AbstractEnglish AbstractKeywordsFigures/Tables
Original paperMax. 7,200 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 250 wordsMax. 3 wordsMax. 20 items
Review ArticleMax. 7,200 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 10 items
Commissioned Paper (Special Issue)Max. 7,200 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 20 items
Clinical ExperienceMax. 4,320 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 10 items
Case ReportMax. 4,320 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 10 items
Institution UpdateMax. 4,320 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 10 items
Research ReportMax. 4,320 double-byte charactersMax. 400 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 10 items
Academic Conference Attended ReportMax. 2,000 double-byte charactersMax. 800 charactersMax. 3 wordsMax. 2 items

*The Japanese abstract and figures/tables for the academic conference attended report will be the same abstract and figures/tables used for the topic that received an award.

3. Submitted papers will be arranged in the order shown below.

Item No.Original paperOther than Original Paper
1Japanese title, affiliated institution, authors’ namesJapanese title, affiliated institution, authors’ names
2English title, affiliated institution, authors’ namesEnglish title, affiliated institution, authors’ names
3Japanese AbstractJapanese Abstract
4Japanese keywordsJapanese keywords
5English AbstractMain text
6English translation of Japanese keywordsNotes on COI
7Main textReferences
8Notes on COIFigure/table captions
10Figure/table captions

*Restrictions on the number of characters in the main text will include the main text, notes on conflict-of-interest (COI), references, and figure/table captions (items 7 to 10 above).
*Types of papers/articles other than an original paper include commissioned papers (special issues), review articles, clinical experience papers, case reports, institution updates, research reports, and “Other” papers/articles.

How to Write a Paper

1. Refer to these Submission Regulations and the following guidelines:
(1) Opinions and Recommendations regarding Ethical Issues in Medical Research and Research Presentations
(2) Guidelines for Protecting Patient Privacy in the Society Meeting Presentations and Medical Papers, including Case Reports
2. Prepare the manuscript in Microsoft Word, using A4 portrait orientation, 12-point character size, horizontal writing, and, in principle, double spacing between lines. Use a standard font (such as MS Mincho for Japanese or Times New Roman for English).
3. Enter special characters and symbols properly.
4. On the title page, indicate the type of paper/article, Japanese title, affiliated institution, affiliated department, authors’ names, and authors’ contact information (affiliation, postal/zip code, address, phone number, fax number, and email address).
5. Display the line numbers in the left column of the manuscript’s main text.
6. At the bottom center of the manuscript, indicate the page number, with the title page being page 1.
7. For terminology, use modern kana orthography and, with the exception of medical terms, Joyo Kanji.
8. For weights and measures, use CGS units only.
9. For foreigners’ names, drug names, and other scientific terms and chemical terms, use the original language.
10. Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns and German nouns.
11. When a foreign word can be expressed in Japanese, use Japanese notation in principle. Also, when a foreign word is written in katakana in a dictionary of medical terms or Japanese dictionary, it is preferable to write the word in the katakana used in the dictionary rather than in the original language.
12. Terms that are often repeated in a paper can be abbreviated. In such cases, write the full term the first time it appears and then use the abbreviated form thereafter.
Examples: distal gastrectomy (DG) peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN)
13. In the main text of an original paper, state the purpose, target and method, results, considerations, and conclusions in order.
14. In principle, use no more than three (3) Japanese keywords. Use appropriate terms that will enable searches to find the intended paper.

Japanese Abstract

For original papers only, ensure that the purpose, target and method, results, and conclusions are in order and do not exceed 400 characters. For commissioned papers, review articles, clinical experience papers, case reports, institution updates, and research reports, regardless of type, limit the abstract to a maximum of 400 characters.

English Abstract

For original papers, write an English abstract. The English abstract should contain the same content as the Japanese abstract (A4, double spacing, 250 words maximum). The title, affiliated institution, and authors’ names are not included in the 250 words.

Number of Manuscript Pages

(1) The main text of an original paper will not exceed 7,200 double-byte characters (36 characters x 20 lines x 10 pages) and will not have more than 20 figures and tables.
(2) The main text of a review article will not exceed 7,200 double-byte characters (36 characters x 20 lines x 10 pages) and will not have more than 10 figures and tables.
(3) The main text of a clinical experience paper, case report, institution update, or research report will not exceed 4,320 double-byte characters (36 characters x 20 lines x 6 pages) and will not have more than 10 figures and tables.
(4) The number of manuscript pages and figures/tables in a commissioned paper will be the same as an original paper.
(5) The main text of the “Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Fellowship Award Winners Ceremony Attended Report” will not exceed 2,000 double-byte characters (36 characters x 20 lines per page), and the text of the Japanese abstract used for the topic that received an award will not exceed 800 characters and will not have more than 2 figures and tables.


1. References will be listed in the order in which they are superscripted in the main text.
2. Up to three authors’ names will be listed. Any others will be indicated by “and others” or “et al.”
3. For journal abbreviations, search a Japanese journal name with the Japan Medical Abstracts Society’s ICHUSHI database (information list), and search a Western-language journal name with Index Medicus.
4. For all citations from online journals, add a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
5. Reference list order

Journal/magazine: Citation number) Authors’ names. Title. Journal abbreviation Volume: Page-page, year.
(In Japanese) 1) 東口髙志, 佐々木雅也, 飯島正平ほか. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の治療と予防に関する栄養学的提言 一般社団法人日本臨床栄養代謝学会COVID-19対策プロジェクトチーム (P 009). 学会誌JSPEN 2 : 84-94, 2020.
(In English) 2) Maruyama M, Iijima S, Ishibashi N, et al. Feasibility of international proposed standardized enteral connector for semi-solid formula feeding. Ann Nutr Metab 73: 169-176, 2018.

Book: Citation number) Authors’ names. Contributed section name. Editors’ names. Book title. (Volume), (Edition). Publisher, place of publication, year, p No.-No.
(In Japanese) 1) 千葉正博. 栄養療法における小児の特殊性と栄養必要量. 日本臨床栄養代謝学会編. JSPENテキストブック. 南江堂, 東京, 2021, p571-583.
(In English) 2) Nabeya Y, Hoshino I, Nagata M, et al. Perioperative management for early recovery after esophageal cancer surgery. Fukushima R, Kaibori M. Enhanced recovery after surgery. Springer, Singapore, 2018, p73-91.

Website: Citation number) Website name. Page title. Update date. Site URL. (Access date)
*List the update date if known.
1) Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism website. Announcement of 2021 nutritionDay. Updated September 28, 2021. (Accessed on November 15, 2021.)

Figures (Photos) and Tables

1. Use Japanese for all content and captions in figures and tables.
2. Submit characters used in figures and tables in text format rather than image format.
3. In the main text, etc., indicate as Figure 1 or Table 1 in order of appearance.
4. Arrange figure and table captions together on a separate page.
5. Enter figure and table citations at the end of the applicable sentence.
6. Figures should be placed in an electronic file. To ensure that the resolution is appropriate for printing, use black/white, grayscale, or color at 300 dpi or higher. File formats should be “.ppt”, “.pptx”, “.xls”, “.xlsx”, etc., and original files should be submitted.
7. It is recommended that Microsoft Excel and a standard font (such as MS Mincho for Japanese, and Times New Roman for English) be used to create tables.

How to Submit

1. To submit a paper, refer to the online submission information on the Society’s website or click the link below.
Access the online submission review system and enter information as directed by the system.

Online submission review system (Editorial Manager)

2. For the latest information on recommended environments for the online submission review system (Editorial Manager), go to the following support site:

3. For matters related to paper submissions, contact us by email.

Items to be registered at time of submission
1) Cover letter: Attach a new one for each submission, including revision submissions. Use the samples (Initial submission/Revision submission) for reference when preparing it.
2) A set of pledge documents indicated at beginning of these Submission Regulations [Content of Submission]
3) A set of paper submission checklist
4) A set of JSPEN: COI self-report (all authors)
5) A set of author contributions statement (all authors) (set)
6) Manuscript data of submitted paper (Word) (one)
7) A set of figure/table data of submitted paper (Excel, PowerPoint, JPEG, and other resolution 300 dpi or higher image data)


The paper will initially be proofread by the authors. If there are major additions and deletions during proofreading, the paper will be subject to an additional peer review.

削除#Secondary Publication#

1. If a submitted paper meets the conditions below and the editorial board chairperson recognizes such, the submitted paper will be subject to peer review as a secondary publication.

(1) The secondary publication is written in Japanese and faithfully reflects the data and interpretations of the primary version published in a language other than Japanese.
(2) The authors have received written consent from the primary publication’s editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief of the Society’s journal “JSPEN” must possess a copy, offprint, or manuscript of the primary version.
(3) As for publication priority, the secondary publication must be published at least one week later than the primary version so that the primary version is treated as the primary.

Reprint from Another Journal

To ensure copyright protection if you reprint from a book or other journal when writing a paper for submission, you must obtain permission from the authors and publisher before submitting the paper. At that time, the submitter must engage in permission discussions with the original publisher and authors. If permission is granted, indicate the source in the submitted paper.

Page Charges

Page charges and figure/table creation charges will, in principle, be exempted. If special drawings, etc. are necessary, a separate fee may be charged. If a print edition (separate print) is necessary, it will be subject to a fee whose amount will depend on the number of copies. If you desire a print edition, make your request at the time of author proofreading.

Conflict of Interest Statement

At the time of paper submission, all of the authors must submit a statement regarding any conflicts of interest they might have.

Author Contributions Statement

At the time of paper submission, all of the authors must submit an author contributions statement.
Persons who made substantial contributions to the research involved in the paper’s writing (such as technical support, writing and editing support, or general support) but do not meet the criteria for being a co-author must be recognized at the end of the paper in the acknowledgements section.

Ethics Review of Research Paper

In accordance with the provisions of the “Ethical Guidelines for Life Science and Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”, an appropriate review by the Ethics Review Committee registered in the “MHLW Research Ethics Review Committee Reporting System” must be received at the start of research. After an appropriate review by the registered Ethics Review Committee has been received, enter the authorization number in the paper.
For case reports, comply with the “Guidelines for Protecting Patient Privacy in the Society Meeting Presentations and Medical Papers, including Case Reports”. Whenever possible, obtain consent to publish the paper from the patient or patient’s family, and preferably state that fact in the main text. It is not mandatory, however, at the time of submission, so if it is not possible, state that fact in the cover letter.

Submission Documents: Download


Paper Submission Checklist

COI Self-Report

Author Contributions Statement

*The COI self-report is for all co-authors. Each co-author should write his or her own separate report.
*Create separate PDFs of the pledge, paper submission checklist, COI self-report, and author contributions statement, and upload the files together with the paper.

New Submission, Resubmission (Revision Submission), and Submitted Paper Confirmation

*For new submission, resubmission (revision submission), and confirmation of submitted papers, log in as a member and then access the Editorial Manager.

*Papers can only be submitted by members of the Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Therapy.

(A) 重複投稿と掲載の判断及び対応
ICMJE の「Overlapping Publications」のガイドラインを基本とし、編集委員会が論文内容などから総合的に

別言語からの転載を行う場合、特定の条件下で「二次的出版(secondary publication)」として認める。
secondary publication とは日本語以外の言語で出版された primary version のデータ、解釈に関し、それを忠実に反映して日本語で書かれたものである。
著者は、primary publication の編集長の同意書を受領する。「学会誌 JSPEN」の編集長は primary version
・初版の優先権を尊重するための適切な時間差(6 カ月以上)
・異なる読者層を持つ両誌への掲載 ‧著者、データ、解析内容の一致
2.学会誌 JSPEN への掲載論文が重投稿であることが判明した場合、後発の本誌掲載論文を取り消し、その旨
を本誌及び HP に掲載する。
3.学会誌 JSPEN への提出時に重投稿が判明した場合、受付を拒否する。
4.学会誌 JSPEN の査読中の論文が重投稿であることが判明した場合、遡って本誌への受付を拒否する。
(B) 模倣の判断と対応
1.他誌に掲載された論文が学会誌 JSPEN の論文を模倣している場合、後発の他誌論文の撤回を要求する。
2.学会誌 JSPEN に掲載された論文が模倣であることが判明した場合、後発の本誌掲載論文を取り消し、その
旨を本誌及び HP に掲載する。
3.学会誌 JSPEN への提出時に模倣が判明した場合、受付を拒否する。
4.学会誌 JSPEN の査読中の論文が模倣であることが判明した場合、遡って本誌への受付を拒否する。模倣判
その他の問題として、罰則規定が生じる場合には理事会への報告を行う。 誤りが判明した場合は訂正の提出
を要求する。重大な誤りの場合は、掲載取り消しの検討も含む。 誤り以外の虚偽、規定違反、著作権侵害、

For Information about Papers/Articles

JSPEN Editorial Secretariat
TEL: +81-3-3816-0738, Fax: +81-3-3816-0766
Daigaku Tsushin Kyoiku Building 5F, 2-27-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

Supplementary Provisions

1. These Regulations came into effect on August 10, 2018.
2. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on September 10, 2021.
3. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on November 26, 2021.
4. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on March 24, 2022.
5. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on May 30, 2022.
6. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on August 2, 2022.
7. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on June 1, 2023.
8. These Regulations were revised and came into effect on February 14, 2024.
9.#本規程は、令和 6 年4月 1 日からの学会名称の変更に伴い「日本臨床栄養代謝学会」の箇所を「日本栄養